Cyclocross Practice/Clinics
to be held again next year
With the demise and revival of the Rockford Cyclocross series this year,
us gluttons for punishment have been left scratching our heads.
Given that and other unforseen time commitments this year, the cyclocross
practice and/or clinics will be reschedualed for next year, starting in late
September, early October. Our locations will be the same.
Contact Robert Sliwinski for details

NBCC Training Camp
A Success
Killer hills, epic bad weather the first day, a motor pacing vehicle, EXCELLENT accomodations and food (BIG thanks to Ed and Stefan) and the hot tub made for a hardcore cycling weekend despite only a four member turnout (for shame!). The hills made it all seem worth it on the second day. Rolling green pastures, twisty switchbacks, a van to hide behind in the headwind. What more could you ask for? So what if it was a bit on the cool side? As far as I could tell the weather was the same in Illinois.
Everyone rode as well as they could on Saturday with some dropping off along the route to opt for a seat in the warm van, while the majority tried to stick it out for as long as they could before going hypothermic. Mike, Robert and Steve were the heros of the day, putting up with the lame weather we were having.

Northbranch members and Rodney Anderson pack it in after a Tuesday night road ride. Pictured: Rodney Anderson, Brian Nilsson’s head, Robert Sliwinski, Darren Monaco, and Frank Steeghs

Skip and myself rode ahead towards the end of the ride and took a wrong turn. We probably rode one and a half to two miles down into the Mississippi river valley, and then another twelve miles into Dubuque Iowa before realizing the mistake. This was all after riding for two hours in the cold and rain. Needless to say, we had to make up the deficit and climb back out of the valley before being picked up by the van. At one point, I could’nt feel my legs or feet. Man, did I want to get up that climb. Skip, for whatever reason, did’nt seem bothered by the rain and cold. We both new that at the top of the hill was the McDonalds that we were supposed to get picked up at.
Somehow we were able to pack the bikes onto the van and still fit seven adults in as well. It took me probably a half hour to get my teeth to stop chattering, muchless get the feeling back into my toes. Definately a hard day in the saddle. But if it does’nt kill ya, it makes you stronger… more
“We probably rode one and a half to two miles down into the Mississippi river valley…”

Thursday Night
Road Rides and Monday/Wednesday Night MTB Rides
This moderate to fast paced ride leaves from Tower Road (right off 94) next to Skokie Lagoons at 6:00 p.m. and is one to two hours in duration.
Interested in being a ride leader?
Drop us an email.
Monday and wednesday night MTB rides will start from Chris Burke Engineering (the U.S. Bank building) in Rosemont. meet in the back parking lot at 5:00 p.m. Rides head North
(to 8–Ball) or South on the Des Plaines River Trail. Mondays ride is a recovery ride, while Wednesdays ride is a fast paced training ride. Email Robert for details on start times and when he thinks the trails will be dry enough to ride. Would anyone be interested in helping with some trail maintenance or clean-up some Saturday? Let us know your thoughts…